Sunday, May 29, 2011

"The Suck Zone"

So I have a special ability. The ability to enjoy a movie, even if it is just down right terrible. I can over look plot holes, tech flaws, even really bad acting. But only if the movie keeps my interest, it has to be entertaining to me.

Well, I just finished watching Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. And now I wish I had a magical dagger that can make me go back in time. This was probably one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. Which is pretty bad because usually I like movies which are campy and cheesy. I enjoy those things in movies to an extent. But this movie was so far over the top, it was laughable. And for whatever reason, everyone was acting like this movie was the greatest thing since sliced bread. They all took it SO seriously.

I have to say, that I went into this movie with not a lot of optimism. When the first trailers for this movie were released last year sometime. They didn't really impress me to much. Every scene shown in the trailers seemed to look the same. A movie trailer is suppose to grab the viewer, try to pull them into the story. Make them want to see more. Even while watching this movie, it didn't pull me in at all. I think that is the problem with the idea of a time-reversing magic dagger in a Disney movie; you already know how it is going to turn out. Right? Like anyone can see the end coming from a mile away.

While I was watching Prince of Persia I couldn't help but think, that they really wanted this to be the next Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Sadly, I can't see that happening. One of the other huge problems I had with the movie was that the princess told the prince, that the dagger isn't even very sharp. And it would be a worthless dagger. But they kept using it to cut through ropes and one person even is stabbed with it! Certain continuities I can handle in a movie. Twister is a movie that is full of flaws and continuities, and still is a great movie. But the mistakes in Prince of Persia are just plain stupid. I obviously did not enjoy this one at all.

One last thing, I think Jerry Bruckheimer might have lost his touch. Or he might just be over extended with ALL the things he is in involved in the past few years. His name seems to be a part of everything lately. This movie just didn't have the same 'oomph' as his past productions do. I am normally a big fan, but this just movie just felt really wilted.


  1. It was WAY better than I thought it would be! Then again, it was Disney AND a Video Game so my expectations were insanely low.

    Personally, I thought the movie was fantasy-esque, beautiful, with some pretty cool action scenes.

    Plus, look at Jake's pecs. I mean seriously. I'm totally jealous. Like, big time. Hahaha.

  2. Hmm, I guess I have to give them that one Terry, there were some pretty cool action scenes. And perhaps a decent ostrich race as well. lol.
