Saturday, July 9, 2011

Before You Came Along, We Bagginses Were Very Well Thought Of.

Peter Jackson would have to be one of the greatest directors of his time. He proved this with the Lord of the Rings trilogy. An amazing ability to tell a compelling story while balancing multiple characters. So many film makers have trouble telling an 'ok' story with a couple of characters, most of the time. After Return of the King was released in theatres back in 2003, talk naturally went towards the possibility of a Hobbit movie. At the time Peter Jackson said that he was not interested in returning to Middle Earth and directing a Hobbit movie. I think most people were disappointed with that response. If anyone was able to do it, it would be Jackson. Guillermo delrs Toro was attached to the directing spot eventually. Interesting pick, but in all honesty, probably not the ultimate choice. And thankfully that fell through. Eventually Peter Jackson came around and decided to direct the Hobbit. Turning the story into 2 movies; The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)and The Hobbit: There and Back Again (2013). Awesome!

I have no doubt that the Hobbit movies are going to amazing. Peter Jackson has an ability to bring to life; characters, locations and stories that only existed in the pages of a book before. He literally creates Middle Earth in our world. (Watching the behind the scenes and 'making of' documentaries of the movies really show you what was put into those movies. Truly amazing stuff) Not an easy task, to say the least. But he puts together a hard working crew at his side and a cast that love and respect the characters they are portraying. It really is a formula for success. I can't wait to see these movies! The LOTR trilogy are epic movies at their finest. And I believe the Hobbit will do just the same. I am absolutely looking forward to the very first journey of Bilbo Baggins!

Below are a few Production Video Blog entries done on set while filming the Hobbit. They are rather lengthy, but well worth a  watch. I absolutely love this type of stuff. The behind the scenes and all that kind of thing. Enjoy.


  1. Yeah, I'm looking forward to them too. Jackson was able to produce multiple masterpieces with the LOTR trilogy. What especially impressed me about his skills was his ability to keep on the story line, so that the movies and books are similar enough, yet trim away dull sections in the book. I have not read the Hobbit yet, so I guess I'd better get started on that before I settle into a cinema chair.

  2. Yeah, I agree Trevor. I remember so many people being upset that he cut out Tom Bombadil. But after seeing the movie, it would have just been a speed bump in the whole pace of the movie. If you find time, read the Hobbit. It goes well with the trilogy. Have you ever read the Silmarillion? That is quite the read, if you are into Tolkien's pre LOTR, pre Hobbit history of Middle Earth.
