Sunday, July 10, 2011

You're Waiting For A Train. A Train That'll Take You Far Away.

I first time I saw the movie Inception, it really impressed me. And to be honest it still impresses me every time I see it. It's cinematography is simply amazing. Absolutely mind-blowing. Writer and director Christopher Nolan takes us on one crazy ride, that builds and builds and builds throughout the entire movie. Even the scene before the credits roll has you guessing... A large portion of the movie takes place within a dream, and there is a lot going on, with many different locations. There are quite a few levels. It is a deep movie, that does take a bit of attention in order to watch and possible even enjoy. Which brings me to the whole point of this post.

Inception is one of my favorite movies of all time. So naturally I always want to know what other people think of it. And most people I have talked to about it have the same thing to say about it, "It was way too confusing."  A few people I talked to actually turned it off half an hour into the movie, because it was getting too confusing. And that's alright, everyone has different likes. I can't remember myself having any trouble following along with what was happening on the screen. I liked being pulled all over the place. With hopes to see where it would all end. How everything falls together and into place. An awesome ride! I found the story fun to follow. Cobb has a line in the movie, "Never recreate from your memory. Always imagine new places!" And maybe that is what a lot of people didn't like about it, it was a new idea. Anything could happen inside the dream worlds. Maybe some people just don't like movies outside of what they are normally use to.

I don't always enjoy having to think my way through a movie. But I guess this movie had such a different feel to it. And I felt like all the attention I put into it really payed off in the end. With one heck of an amazing movie. And the music! Just adds to the whole thing. Makes it even more epic than it already is. That music could make grass growing seem epic!

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